Friday, November 24, 2006

reflection of a young man

Psychedelic lights…tilting music…exotic sets…intoxicating aroma pervading the air!
People! More people! People all around, swaying and swinging gently, like velvety clouds afloat in the sky.
Time is perfect to lose yourself.
Lose whatever you have, the head, the body, and the soul as well, because only the way to survive in this gossamer illusory world is to lose your identity. A drop fallen into the oceans gains a new identity only after losing its identity. Be that drop!
Dazed you must be! Frantically trying to find someone or something to call your own in these swirling tides in which everything and everybody is swallowed never to be found.

Sh! Shh!! Shhh!!! Do not despair
For despair will make your heart heavy and bring a genuine tear to your eyes. A tear born out of genuine sorrow is a peerless pearl. Do not drop it in the eddying pool and yet, if you cannot contain, hold it on a fingertip and gaze deep and long before letting it fall and merge it with the hungry tides.
Sincerity must pay homage to hypocrisy.

Wring this heart with all your might. May be you succeed in drawing out the last tear hiding in some obscure corner of the heart. And if you fail…do not blame me. Blame those who took the path before you. Each one of them paused a while on the spot where you stand today and wrenched drop by drop the precious oozing with wonder and amusement. The wounds did heal but the scars remained, as always, like the countless wrinkle on a carefree face of a tired old soldier. Blame those who with unlimited pain flooded the limitations of this heart. Slowly, the present rolls in the past leaving behind the macabre web of memories woven by time and fate…shrouded with that web we all should and will write our own epitaph. The very thought sends shivers down my spines.
But write I must...

As an old saying says- Travelers move on but the path does not nor do the milestone doting the path. Tired feet trudge along in the hope of reaching ‘there’, the shining spot on the horizon beckoning you to cross the burning desert to the land of peace and quietude, though the limbs will ache and the heart will bleed.
But I will walk as somebody can and will walk only after I do.
So walk I must…

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