Tuesday, November 21, 2006

am i a bitching dog...

When the pages of my only diary unfolded before a couple of people i know i was dazed. Suddenly so much confidence was shown on my writing abilities. First thought, few were sarcastic, one may be little high with beer and that thin lady perhaps loves me...

...love, i always thought makes the ground too soft either to be easily dugged inside-out or discourging any serious construction. These soft grounds which i'm lucky( ???) to be surrounded with always made me think twice before going in for any endeavour. though it wouldn't be wrong to say that today i'm that what love made me.

tell me if i'm sounding crooked...yeah crooked...bitching 'bout what you're proud of.


Chaotic Me said...

Drunk....yes. Out of his mind...no

Have seen a lot of writing (perks of having a great sister and Pritish Nandi as Kaku) and know when I come across a better piece.
So whatever you feel...the drunk lord has spoken....keep writing..no booker though...but you will have a great reader fanship :) Welcome home Mr.Dylan

Unknown said...

dont be that harsh on urself tapo(bitching dog)....u may be an ordinary boy but u have great heights to reach,miles and miles to go before u think of sleeping....never give up the zest for life!